Please complete the below information whereby you are Client 1, and your partner is Client 2.
Section 1 - Client 1 Details
What is your full legal name?
(this is the name that would be present on your birth certificate, driver’s licence etc).
Do you hold any assets in any name other than the one you have provided above?
Please provide a scanned or photographed copy of your drivers licence, birth certificate or passport.
You can also bring the documents to your upcoming appointment.
Section 1 - Client 2 Details
What is your full legal name?
(this is the name that would be present on your birth certificate, driver’s licence etc).
Do you hold any assets in any name other than the one you have provided above?
Please provide a scanned or photographed copy of your drivers licence, birth certificate or passport.
You can also bring the documents to your upcoming appointment.
Section 2 - Family Details
With whom are you in a relationship with? (if different from the person named in Section 1 above)
If Yes, with whom were you previously married to or in a relationship with?
Section 3 - Immediate Family
Please provide details of your immediate family members, including their full legal name, dates of birth, and gender. Immediate Family means your parents and siblings. It does not mean children.
Client 1
Mother's Details
Father's Details
Client 1 - Sibling 1
Client 1 - Sibling 2
Client 1 - Sibling 3
Client 1 - Sibling 4
Client 1 - Sibling 5
Client 1 - Sibling 6
Client 1 - Sibling 7
Client 1 - Sibling 8
Client 2
Mother's Details
Father's Details
Client 2 - Sibling 1
Client 2 - Sibling 2
Client 2 - Sibling 3
Client 2 - Sibling 4
Client 2 - Sibling 5
Client 2 - Sibling 6
Client 2 - Sibling 7
Client 2 - Sibling 8
Section 4 - Children
Please provide details of any children that you have, including their full legal name, dates of birth, and gender.
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Child 5
Section 5 - Grandchildren
Please provide details of any grandchildren that you have, including their full legal name, dates of birth, and gender.
Grandchild 1
Grandchild 2
Grandchild 3
Grandchild 4
Grandchild 5
Grandchild 6
Grandchild 7
Grandchild 8
Section 6 - Assets
Please provide all details of any assets which you hold in your sole name, or jointly with another person.
Real Estate - Property 1
Real Estate - Property 2
Bank Accounts
Shares in Public Companies
Motor Vehicles
If all your jewellery was to be sold, what is an estimated value of all your jewellery?
Please provide details of any items of jewellery of significant value and / or sentiment.
Furniture and Personal Effects
If all items within your house were to be sold at a garage sale, inclusive of all furniture and whitegoods, what is an estimated amount that you are likely to receive (noting that this value will be ‘second-hand’ value)
Companies / Partnerships / Business
Assets Located Overseas
Assets Located Overseas